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Orthotics are inserts that are placed in your shoes to help correct or improve lower limb function. There are many conditions that are caused by poor alignment of the feet, knee and hips. Pain in the lower back, hips, knees, ankles, feet and the muscles in the legs can all be treated with orthotics.

Common problems that can be managed with orthotics include bunions, big toe pain, arch pain, heel pain, plantar fasciitis, ankle pain, ankle sprains, Achilles tendonitis, shin splints, medial knee pain, hamstring problems and lower back pain. orthotics or shoe insoles

The Podiatrists at Rivervale Podiatry are experienced in the assessment of the way you walk (your biomechanics) and the alignment of your lower limbs. With the results of a biomechanical assessment they can prescribe appropriate orthotics to improve your lower limb alignment and reduce pain in the areas mentioned above.

Rivervale Podiatry has 2 options of orthotic therapy. There is semi-custom orthotics as well as full-custom orthotics. The full-custom orthotics involves a 3D scan or plaster mould of your foot and a pair of orthotics is made to match your unique foot type and specific needs to ensure better alignment and pain relief. Come see the Podiatrists at Rivervale Podiatry for further information about orthotics and how they can improve your lower limb function.

If you want to know how orthotics can help your feet, please call one of our podiatrist at Carlisle Podiatry and we would be happy to help.

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